A new mommy's mishaps, mayhem, and majesty

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Easter

Lily's first Easter was marked by a new milestone... sitting! she sat on her own for the first time. at least for about 30 seconds. Still wobbly but she is getting stronger. And she is getting so big! she is starting to wear the 9 month size now... I need to go shopping for her soon :)

We started her on solids too. She's been wanting to eat (read: nurse) every two hours, so I thought it might help her stay fuller longer. There are a few indicators that she is ready. She tries to stick everything in her mouth, she sits almost independently, she watches us when we eat and tries to get our food. Lily does really well with a spoon. Hardly any food comes back out... but Mommy also has a lot of practice with spoon feeding. It's kind of sad, really; I am excited to see her doing things on her own, but that means she is getting bigger and starting to grow up :(

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Secret

for the past three years, I've been working on a book. It will probably never be big, which is okay, but it is something that makes me happy, a secret project, always at the back of my mind. the concept literally came to me one day as I was writing in my journal. I let it flow, and soon I had the makings of a wonderful story. I haven't made much progress since, as it stands now it is short and repetitive, but I bring the idea up every once in awhile, and slowly the knots are being smoothed out. Often it is wonderful and trying moments when I work on it. I think I may have developed an introduction the other day, and I am excited and a little nervous to pick it up again and write it in. This is the furthest I've ever gone with an idea of mine, and I have several more that may or may not ever come to pass. it is something that I feel confident in, even if no one else ever comes to appreciate it.

I will need another person(s) prolly to help me with the story flow and clarity. My thoughts tend to be all over the place, and sometimes vague. It may be a very long time before I am at a point where another person can be brought in. Maybe it will be sooner rather than later.

Slacker vs. Obsessor

I'm turning into a slacker mom, or perhaps my nesting instincts have worn off. and it's not just my blog. the dishes sit in the sink for a few days, sometimes I can't remember when I last showered, and my brush gets used, oh, about once a week. As I was walking to the mailbox down the street today, I realized- I've turned into the frumpy housewife. And this is only my first child. what is going to happen in two or three babies' time? the HORROR. I mean, I wasn't exactly a makeup and nice clothes kind of girl anyway, but before giving birth I did pull out my straightener on a regular basis. sometimes even the curling iron. I even loathed wearing glasses in favor of contacts. I've fixed my hair up nice once in the last four months, and that was the weekend Lily was blessed. the contacts I was finally able to afford at the end of January? haven't cracked a box open yet.

I shouldn't have any excuses soon- at the beginning of May, I will officially be a stay-at-home mom. maybe I will have an extra 10 minutes to run a straightener through my hair and maybe stick my contacts in once a week. we'll start with baby steps. eventually I might be able to shop for some newer clothes since most of my wardrobe is meant for bigger times. The clothes I wore prior to motherhood are mostly worn out. I've thought about coloring my hair, but it's the healthiest it's ever been in my life and I don't want to ruin it. I want to grow my hair out again, so I don't want to cut it. maybe after I'm done with work I will get my nails done since healthcare workers can't have long nails.

I did make some progress today (kitchen is cleaned!), but it took the whole day. now that my sewing projects are finished (though I still have a couple), I'm putting it on hold and focusing on my scrapbooks for now. though I've been procrastinating immediate chores, I've become obsessed lately with the amount of stuff vs. space in our home. if there is a more efficient, space-saving solution out there, I want it and I want it now. I hate having a baby swing and a toddler rocker; I want a combo swing (which also has toys attached to it). then there's the doorway jumper and the humongous exersaucer and the bumbo, 2 car seats, plus we need a high chair soon. for such a tiny person she sure takes up a lot of room! perhaps I should stop accepting large baby items so I can pick my own solution. the trick is convincing my husband that such expenditures are necessary for my sanity. Now that we are almost out of our deep, deep hole, I want to make the dream of how I want my home to look and function a reality. I want to decorate it with things of my choosing, not hand me downs worn out and chosen for me. I want a place where people feel comfortable visiting and sharing with us.